Definition of restore - restoring transitive verb
1 : give back, return
2 : to put or bring back into existence or use
3 : to bring back to or put back into a former or original state : renew.
Unfortunately, keepsakes and photos that hold special meaning or have sentimental value seldom escape the ravages of time. Scratches, tears, stains, folds, and fading are almost inescapable. Fortunately, with today's electronic technology, the appropriate hardware (computers, scanners, draing tablets and touch screen monitors) and software, almost all damaged photographs can be returned to their original condition.
The images on the left are examples of what can be done. The photograph on the top is a scan of the original which was taken in the 1930's. Scratches, folds, and some staining are seen across the entire photo. The client wanted to give the photo as a Christmas gift but felt it wasn't worthy in its that condition.
As can be seen in the bottom photo, the defects were removed completely. The gift made it's way under the Chritmas tree and made a wonderful, thougthful, gift.
Either actual photographs (hard copies) or digital images can be restored. Actual photos are carefully copied on a high resolution flatbed scanner, guaranteeing their safety.
Larger versions of these two photographs can be seen and inspected HERE.